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Renting vs Buying A Super Car

LamborghiniIf you are in the financial position to rent or buy a Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Aston Martin or another make of high performance car, you will need to decide which is the best option and you will also need a super car insurance quote. As with most things, there are for and against both options so let’s have a look at some of them. As a result, you may be better able to decide the best way forward.

Renting – For

  • Depreciation – as you will never own the vehicle you are not going to be bothered if the value of the super car you are driving drops in value.
  • Servicing/Mechanical Repairs – you are unlikely to be responsible for paying for the regular servicing of the vehicle or if it breaks down and needs a mechanical repair. The only thing that you may need to pay for are replacement tyres should one or more be punctured.
  • Poor Credit Rating – you will need to check with the rental company but you may find that you only need to put down a deposit and that no credit reference search will be required which means that it would not matter if you have a poor credit score.
  • Change the Car – if you decide say a couple of months into renting the Ferrari that you fancy driving around in say a Lamborghini, Aston Martin or Porsche then, subject to the terms of the rental agreement, you may be able to change it without any financial penalty enabling you to try out different super cars.
  • Possibly Less Expensive – when you take into account things like car loan repayments, servicing, possible depreciation and repair costs that you would have if you bought the car then you may discover that the monthly rental cost is lower than the overall monthly cost involved in buying the vehicle.
  • Selling the Car – this is something you will not have to worry about as you can just return it to the car rental company when no longer required.

Renting – Against

  • Repairs to Bodywork and Alloys – if you have a dent or scratch on the bodywork or alloy wheels then, depending upon the size of it, you will be responsible for the cost of having it repaired/possibly claiming on your high performance car insurance policy with these repairs either having to be done before you return the vehicle at the end of the rental period or completed once the vehicle has been returned to the rental company and then charged to you.
  • Ownership – you will never own the vehicle. So, as a limited number of supercars may actually go up in value due to them being so rare, you will not benefit financially if that were to happen.

Buying – For

  • Value – whilst most cars reduce in value as soon as they leave the forecourt, there are certain rare super cars that may actually increase in value meaning that when you come to sell the vehicle you may get more for it than you paid for it.
  • Self-esteem – let’s be honest, most car lovers would want to own the likes of an Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini or Porsche and to do so must make them feel very good about themselves.
  • Buying outright – if you are able to pay cash for the super car then you will not have to worry about monthly rental payments or finance repayments.

Buying – Against

  • Maintenance – you will be responsible for having the car serviced and for having any Aston Martinmechanical repairs undertaken. You may initially have a period of time/miles where your warranty covers you for such things but at some point, that will no doubt come to an end and you will have to meet the maintenance costs.
  • Adverse credit score- if you have a bad credit file then you may find it difficult to arrange finance towards buying the car or the lender may charge you a very high interest rate.
  • Sale of super car – if you wish to change the vehicle for another one then you will be responsible for selling your existing vehicle or putting your car in part-exchange and may not achieve the sale price you would have hoped for.

As you can see, there are pros and cons of renting and buying a super car. Ultimately, the decision is yours but we hope that we have provided you with food for thought.

Here at AIB Insurance, we have many years experience in arranging high performance car insurance. We have a bespoke, vetted panel of quality insurers who will provide a competitive quote to insure your super car without any obligation. So, if you are looking for outstanding Lamborghini car insurance, wish to buy Ferrari car insurance, need an Aston Martin insurance quote or want to buy Porsche insurance then why not give us a call on 02380 268 351 and we will be pleased to assist.

You May Find These Statistics About Burglaries Of Interest…..

BurglarTo come home and find that your property has been broken into and items damaged/stolen is a terrible situation to find yourself in and one that you could do without. It is an invasion of your privacy and will no doubt take up quite a bit of your time such as informing and meeting with the police, making a list of your stolen belongings and replacing them as well as contacting your insurance provider.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) obtained data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) entitled Nature of Crime: Burglary covering the 12 month period to the 31st March 2017 that we think you may find of interest. We highlight some of those statistics below relating to domestic burglary with entry but full details can be found on the ONS website.

About the burglars

  • 81% of the offenders were males, 9% were females and 10% were both.
  • 0% were under 10 years of age, 3% were between 10 to 15 years of age, 33% were aged 16 to 24, 49% were aged between 25 to 39 and 18% were 40 years of age and over.
  • 42% of the victims were burgled by strangers, 16% were broken into by people that they had either spoken to or seen in the past and 42% were burgled by people that they knew well.

When did the burglaries take place?

  • 65% of the burglaries took place during the week.
  • 35% of them happened at the weekend.
  • .45% took place in the morning/afternoon
  • 55% happened in the evening/night

Which side of the property did they gain access through? 

  • 49% front
  • 41% back
  • 8% side
  • 2% more than one way

Method of entry

  • 75% through a door
  • 24% via a window
  • 3% through other ways

What were the major items stolen?

  • 35% tools/work materials
  • 31% garden furniture
  • 11% bicycles, bicycle parts
  • 9% sports equipment
  • 5% children’s toys/baby items

Cost of items stolen

  • 35% £1,000 or more
  • 14% £500 to £999
  • 24% £200 to £499
  • 5% £100 to £199
  • 8% £50 to £99
  • 9% £20 to £49
  • 4% £1 to £19
  • 1% no cost

Contact with burglars

  • 54% somebody at home
  • 46% no one at home
  • 60% violence or force used or threatened
  • 40% neither violence, force or threats

We trust that you found the above statistics of interest. If you own your own home then you will no doubt wish to make sure that it is adequately insured along with the contents and personal belongings or, if you rent a property, you will wish to make sure that your personal belongings and any furnishings/white goods etc that you own are insured. In that respect, why not get in contact with us here at AIB Insurance on 02380 268 351 to discuss your requirements and obtain a quotation.