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Ten Per Cent Of Registered New Vehicles Are Vans

Have you by any chance happened to notice that there are more new vans appearing on our road system here in the UK than ever before? Well, your observations would tie in with information produced by the Department of Transport.

Apparently, in 2013, vans accounted for 10% of all new vehicles that were registered in the UK making them a very popular choice for the business user. Over the last 5 years, the new van market has grown by 5% in respect of registrations and from 2012 to 2013 a staggering 3% rise.

The data also makes interesting reading as far as which parts of the country have seen the most new van registrations. In top spot, we have Darlington up in the north of England. In 2013, there were 611 new vans registered in respect of every 1,000 residents living in Darlington. Over the whole of the UK, the average was only 68 new van registrations per 1,000 residents.Van Insurance

In second place, there is a significant drop to 370 new van registrations per 1,000 residents and that is in Slough. In third place, we have Swindon with 204 new van registrations per 1,000 people.

If you live in Coventry, you will have witnessed a rise of 293% in new vans being registered whilst in Bristol it was only 13%.

It has also been revealed that it can pay to try to negotiate about the price a dealer wants for a new van. An average saving of £1,210 could be made off the price of a new van if someone is prepared to start negotiating about the price. An impressive 10% of purchasers of new vans were able to get as much as £3,000 plus knocked off the original price.

It probably will not surprise you to read that it tends to be the older van driver who will endeavor to get a few pounds off the price. The research revealed that over half, 54% to be precise, of those aged 35 to 54 tried to get a reduction in the asking price yet only 24% of those in the 18 to 34 years of age bracket did the same.

So, the new van market is certainly extremely buoyant with numerous sizes and shapes of new vans on our roads. No doubt, over a period of time, this will filter through to the second-hand van marketplace.

We hope that the above has been of interest and just for a bit of fun, can you name the film and television series the van below featured in?A-Team-Van